What is AWANA?

Awana seeks to help children know, love, and serve our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Join us for teaching, Bible memorization, and games each Wednesday night. 

Is there a cost?

The cost is $40 per child or $100 max per family. This covers your child's book(s), shirt or vest, and dues. 

When do they meet?

Wednesday nights from 6:30 – 8:05 pm (September through April)

What ages can participate in AWANA?

Cubbies is offered for children 4-year-olds through kindergarten. Sparks is for kindergarteners through 2nd graders. Truth & Training (aka T&T) is for 3rd graders through 6th graders. Each group focuses on memorizing Scripture through games and Bible lessons.

Where is AWANA held?

New Hope Baptist Church (1829 West Iowa Avenue, Nampa, Idaho)

How do I sign up my child?

Sign up in person on Wednesday nights at 6:30 pm at New Hope.

For more information or to read more about AWANA Clubs click here.