The most significant thing about me is that in the summer of 1975 Jesus tracked me down at vacation Bible school, in Moscow, Idaho and rescued me. That rescue has defined my entire life and has changed my eternal destiny. I have a fifty-seven year sojourn, but nothing comes close or rivals my salvation. I have been married to my wonderful wife Charlene for 34 years. We have 8 kids, 5 of which are married, and 2 still at home. My training includes a BA in Pastoral Studies (Calvary Bible college, Kansas City, MO), a MA in Biblical Studies (Calvary Theological Seminary, Kansas City, MO), and a DMin in Expository Preaching (Masters Seminary, Los Angeles, CA). I accepted my first pastoral call in 1993, serving near Wichita, Kansas before moving to Idaho in 2011. My desire is to know and live in my bedrock identity as a follower of Jesus and to be faithfully proclaiming Him, admonishing and teaching every man to maturity in Christ.